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Joy Again, Stories: Dashing Through Weather’s Lapse

onebite, The Moving Atlas

"Joy Again, Stories: Dashing Through Weather’s Lapse" — Audio Introduction by the Artist

Compared to those dwelling in the city’s heart, the inhabitants of Sai Kung find themselves in a special dance with the island’s capricious climate. They live with traditions and different traditional industries, whispered down through generations, and they learn the insights of how to eye on the subtle shifts in the sky. The weather, as ever-changing and unpredictable as it always is, invisibly shapes and governs their daily routines, their means of survival, their choices in life and destiny, and their grander fate.

“Joy Again, Stories: Dashing Through the Weather’s Lapse”, is inspired by the real life stories of Sai Kung Hoi people. Intended to showcase installations and twelve storylines from the islands of Sai Kung Hoi, the piece aims to weave the tales of Sai Kung’s islanders and residents, inviting the audience to journey between the present weather and the islanders’ reminiscences and recollections. The weather, an ageless overseer of all life, bears witness to Sai Kung’s development while listening to the islanders’ lives and their fleeting moments. The project views the weather as a profound witness, leading people through a whimsical ‘weather forecast’ portal. It instantly propels one into an island-hopping journey, fostering an imagined recollection of the memories belonging to the inhabitants of Sai Kung.

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Artists Introduction

onebite, The Moving Atlas

Interconnecting People and Making Places
Create · Observe · Take Action · Bite
onebite is dedicated to creating positive impact through multi-disciplinary design. Our community of architects, designers, community outreach managers and event managers, strives to bridge the gaps between space, place and our society by constantly exploring the synergies among our stakeholders. Our agile team composition, leading role in the local co-creation scene and the pursuit in forward-thinking innovations with research support are onebite’s signature. Placemaking is in our DNA and we believe in the co-creative process with our partners and users for the new urban vision. We generate inventive solutions with quick wins, active engagement and workshop facilitation.

The Moving Atlas
The Moving Atlas projects itself as a raconteur and occasionally a spinner of yarns.

Created by Chong Suen and Cheung Hei-Man, the artist duo based in Hong Kong, The Moving Atlas delineates the flows of people, their thoughts, and their relationships; weaves people’s stories through celebrating the uniqueness in mundanity; and disentangles the underlying fluidity, mobility, and possibility of ways of life. It amplifies people’s whispers. It visualises their voyages. It holds people’s daily journeys and miles dear.