Salt Making Workshop
Programmes|Yim Tin Tsai

Salt Making Workshop

  • 04/12/2022 (Sun) 11:00-13:00
    10/12/2022 (Sat) 11:00-13:00
    11/12/2022 (Sun) 11:00-13:00
    31/12/2022 (Sat) 11:00-13:00

  • 2 hours

  • Yim Tin Tsai (Saltpans)

  • The Salt & Light Preservation Centre

  • All ages

  • 20

  • Cantonese

*Registration Information

Yim Tin Tsai has its rich cultural stories, village atmosphere and natural resources. Salt Making Workshop is an educational workshop that will inspire participants to learn about natural life and historical and cultural crafts. Participants can learn and experience the unique traditional process of producing sea salt in the village, as the only restored saltpan in Hong Kong. The workshop includes sharing with the saltpan instructors, drawing water, assisting in salt harvesting if the weather allowed, and trying out the salinity meter (baume’s hydrometer) to get a taste of salt production! After the workshop, participants can bring their own bottles of brine to make their own sea salt at home.

Collaborator’s Introduction:

Founded in 2011, the Salt & Light Preservation Centre is a charitable institution. It is responsible for preserving and promoting the culture and ecology of Yim Tin Tsai. 

Event Highlights