Performance|Yim Tin Tsai

Music Performance: Love and Peace Mini Concert

  • 10/12 (Sat) 14:00-15:00

  • 1 hour

  • Yim Tin Tsai (Outdoor Performance Area near Artwork “Water Dragon”)

  • LS Music and the Praise and Worship Ministry of Renewal in the Spirit Community (RiS)

  • All ages

  • 80

  • Cantonese

Event Completed
*Registration Information

The crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and the instability in Europe brought by the war between Russia and Ukraine, we have made clear how often we take peace and love for granted. Love and peace have not featured prominently in people’s discussions of wellbeing nowadays. While matters of happiness, purpose, relationships, and sometimes freedom and human rights, autonomy are given attention, love and peace seem to be more often neglected. We should treasure more about the value of love and peace. 

Only God could give us real peace, which fuels us with the power to love one another. And thus we wish to share with you, in this one-hour programme, the power of Love and Peace by songs and bring about blessings and brilliance of humanity.

Collaborator’s Introduction:

LS Music and the Praise and Worship Ministry of Renewal in the Spirit Community (RiS) are members of the Catholic Music Fever Platform.

LS Music believes that music is an effective tool for evangelisation as it can easily move people. In addition to composing Catholic songs, they also actively promote Catholic original music. Through a series of “I Believe in Love” concerts, gathering the power of Catholic bands to open up a new world for Catholic original music and spread the gospel!

RiS Praise and Worship Ministry mainly lead brothers and sisters to praise the Lord. Through songs, prayers and music, let them fully concentrate on God, experience His presence and develop a close relationship with Him. In praise and worship, one will be touched by God’s love and feel that the Lord is so close and so real! In the meantime, let’s sing and pray in order to respond to God’s Love.

Event Highlights