Tai Chi 101
Experience|Kau Sai Chau

Tai Chi 101

  • 01/12/2024 (Sun) 10:15-11:45
    05/01/2025 (Sun) 10:15-11:45

  • Departing from Sai Kung Public Pier: 09:30

  • 1.5 hours

  • Kau Sai Chau (Kau Sai Village)

  • Master Wah Tung Mui

  • Aged 18 or above

  • 20

  • Cantonese, English

*Registration Information

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise system often described as “meditation in motion” that can transform and energise the body and mind. It uses gentle, slow, deliberate, meditative body movements to achieve mental and body relaxation. Tai Chi works by balancing the opposing, yet complementary energies of yin (soft) and yang (solid), which improves the flow of qi (life force energy) and overall vitality.

This programme is suitable for those who are interested in Tai Chi but have never practiced Tai Chi. It aims to enable participants to learn the basic forms and principles of the movements of hands, feet and body. Yang Style 24 Form (24 Form) consists of a series of choreographed flowing forms, mindful movements named for animal actions that make up an entire sequence.

In this programme, you will experience four movements of 24 Form, including the Commencing Form, Wild Horse’s Mane, Playing with Clouds and Golden Rooster Stands of One Leg.

Participants are reminded to bring plenty of water to prevent dehydration, wear sun hat, loose and comfortable sportswear. Participants are also advised to take 15-20 minutes gentle and stretching exercises prior to attending the activity.

Collaborator’s Introduction:

Master Wah Tung Mui is the founder of the “Wah Tung Mui Tai Chi Chuan”. She attained World Organisation of Wushu Kung Fu Master Level 7 and also a qualified master of the Hong Kong Tai Chi Association. She has rich Tai Chi teaching experience. Master Wah is proficient in Chen, Yang, Wu and Sun Styles Tai Chi, particularly in sword and fan. She has won the 42-Form Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword Championship in the Hong Kong China Wushu Union Hong Kong Open, and the Chinese Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dance Association of Hong Kong China Hong Kong Open Tai Chi Chuan and Tai Chi Fan Champion.