Experience|Yim Tin Tsai

Common Prayer with Chants from Taizé Community

  • 16/12/2023 (Sat) 15:30-16:30

  • 1 hour

  • Yim Tin Tsai

  • Father Dominic Chan

  • All ages

  • Open for public (Registration is not required)

  • Cantonese

Event Completed
*Registration Information

With the healing atmosphere of Yim Tin Tsai, we open up our hearts and minds to a sense of reconciliation and communion with ourselves, others and nature through chanting, listening to God’s Word, meditating on the beauty of nature and enjoying the artworks.

The prayers and chants originated from the Taizé Community, a monastic community in the village of Taizé, Burgundy of France, whose mission was to promote the unity of Christians and human beings. The lyrics are taken from the Bible and will be sung repeatedly to allow participants to rest in nature.

Collaborator’s Introduction:

Father Dominic Chan is the eighth-generation descendent of Yim Tin Tsai. Father Chan went to France to learn and stay with the Taizé Community and was touched by its team spirit and way of praying. Since then, Father Chan had continued to advocate the Taizé praying services when he was preaching in Hong Kong to promote the unity of Christianity.
Father Chan will lead a group of teenagers who also had life experience in the Taizé Community to sing and pray with visitors.