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Call for Programme Collaborators



Calling all creative minds! The Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival 2024 is now recruiting collaborators to bring along exciting programmes around the isles during the festival period to bring unique experiences to visitors. In the Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival, we are bringing “Joy Again, Isle!” to “Joy Again, Gather”. We hope to include fun and exciting programmes that can gather people on the 4 islands, namely Yim Tin Tsai, Sharp Island, Kau Sai Chau, High Island, and also in the Sai Kung Town. Programmes on all forms of creative engagement will be considered with an aim to enhance participation and interaction in the Sai Kung Hoi. 

The selected programme collaborators will roll out the programmes for visitors’ participation during the Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival 2024 from November 2024 to January 2025.

For more details, please refer to the information kit:
Download Call for Programme Collaborators Information Kit

You may refer to the past events that were held during the last two years SKHAF.

Call for programme collaborators is closed. The curatorial team may contact the applicants by phone or email upon receipt of the proposals to understand, clarify and discuss the details as required. If applicants have not received any notifications or been contacted by the curatorial team by early June 2024, the proposals can be deemed as not selected. The curatorial team reserves the right to make the final decisions on the selection and further planning of the events.

For enquiries, please contact us by email at opencallenquiry@skhartsfestival.hk.