
A Sai Kung boatman, our important partner 3

Visiting the islands to organise and attend Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival, kaito is the only means of transport to reach the islands from Sai Kung town. Therefore, the boatmen are our important partners for a successful Arts Festival! We chatted with a boatman today, who shared some precious sailing experience with us!

How many years have you been operating kaito?
“More than 50 years!”

Where do visitors like to go?
“A lot of visitors used to go to Sharp Island or Half Moon Bay for swimming, but later on they discovered and explored other islands like Kau Sai Chau and Pak Sha Wan.”

Which part of the Sai Kung Hoi do you think is the most beautiful?
“Tai Long Sai Wan! The beach there is very beautiful. Visitors can go there by boat or hiking now.”

Every time we board the kaito, we would always see the boatmen steering with ease and at the same time detecting every movement on the sea. Their calmness must have come from their experience of more than a half century!